2021 OSCIA President – Chad Anderson

Chad and his wife Debbie farm just south of Sarnia in Lambton County. As the fifth generation, they operate a beef farm on the original Anderson homestead settled in 1856, where they also raised 3 children: Kaitlynn, Daniel, and Kendyl.
Along with farming Chad operates an independent crop consulting business under the shingle “Anderson Agronomy Services”. He is a University of Guelph graduate and holds the designations of Certified Crop Advisor as well as Professional Agrologist.
Chad teaches nutrient management at the University of Guelph, Ridgetown campus and in the past the environmental stewardship course. He is proud of the fact that he was able to acquire provincial certification for students looking to go on further in nutrient management development and introducing the Environmental Farm Plan to the stewardship curriculum, in which students can now complete their EFP as verified and eligible for cost share funding.